About Deli CoCo

DeliCoco is the world’s first great-tasting coconut chips! It makes a delicious snack for people of all ages. Apart from it being a mouth-watering snack, it is high in nutrients and zero in cholesterol.

Every coconut that is used in producing DeliCoco is carefully selected for its freshness from its source and is checked twice upon loading and unloading at the factory. It is carefully kept in proper storage before being used. It is then baked to perfection to produce the final product, which are coconut chips.

These irresistible chips can be consumed in its original form as a snack, packed in a beautiful coconut-shaped container or in any form of foil packaging. It is good as a before-dinner snack in Chinese restaurants or as tit-bits in pubs, bars and karaoke joints. It makes a great-tasting chocolate coated snack and can also be used as ice-cream toppings or as decorative cake toppings as well. The coconut chips blends well as a cereal mixture and even makes a superb summer snack for temperate countries too.

The founder of DeliCoco coconut chips has more then 20 year’s experience. He started the coconut – business in 1987 when he first pioneered fresh coconuts for eating outlets and restaurants. In the first year itself, he made it commercially viable and supplied fresh coconuts throughout Malaysia. In the meantime, the founder also formulated other coconut products and marketed them commercially. In 2003, he started formulating coconut chips and finally completed its formulation in 2005. Since then he has given up all other coconut businesses and concentrated only on the manufacture of coconut chips via his company called Ganda Kota Sdn. Bhd. We are committed to the highest standards of manufacturing practice. It is produced under the most stringent hygienic conditions in a new factory built in 2006 in Labu, Seremban. This product has been widely promoted in numerous countries e.g., China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Macau, Taiwan and it is now a very popular snack in Japan and Singapore! Ganda Kota Sdn. Bhd. hopes to improv this product further through his research and development program.

Delicoco Brand

The concept for the establishment of Ganda Kota Sdn Bhd is through smart and strategic partnership. The principal activity of the company is to venture into manufacturing of all coconuts related products so as to enrich the use of coconut related products for the local and global markets.